Losing weight can be challenging and sometimes our way may not be the best for dropping the pounds.  Taking small steps may be the key to losing the unwanted pounds and keeping them off for good. 

Foods that protect your body from cancer contain tons of anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals. Increasing your plant intake is essential to obtaining those cancer fighters. Here’s a list of 9 essential foods that can help fight cancer and keep you all around healthy as well.

The most important choice a diabetic can make in their life if the food they eat. Diabetics should be careful to consumer foods that are whole, low in sugar, sodium & fat and that are preferably not processed.

The much talked about Superfoods in the world aren’t foods that contain magical powers. They’re foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals, help fight cancer and heart disease and improve your overall mood and well-being.

It’s Labor Day, the end of summer and probably the last time you’re going to get the grill out until next year. BBQ can be one of those things that turns unhealthy immediately but with these tips you can keep your cookout good for your body and delicious for your palate.

VIA ELEV8: All these years later, a lot of people still think that the only way to shed excess fat is to eat a bland diet or choke down foods they dislike. Luckily, that just isn’t true. Not only can you eat well while you’re shedding excess fat, it’s highly recommended that you do so. […]

Before we start to tackle the problem of obesity in the African American  Community/Church. I think it’s best to show everyone the facts. I’m sure most of  you  know obesity contributes to most of the chronic diseases listed below: Throughout these blogs I will discuss the ways I feel we can change our habits and […]