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Many Americans know Columbus Day as the U.S. national holiday commemorating the Italian-born explorer’s arrival to the Americas on October 12, 1492.

For that matter, you could make a case that Columbus himself was an entrepreneur, back when taking risks meant more than maxing out your credit cards.

Some of the American discoveries highlighted by the infographic include:

Electromagnetic Motor: 1830 by Joseph Henry

Telephone: 1876 by Alexander Graham Bell

Gasoline-powered Car: 1892 by Frank and Charles Duryea

Television: 1927 by Philo Farnsworth

Pong: 1972 by Noland Bushnell

World Wide Web Consortium: 1994 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

These inventions have changed the way that Americans function in their daily lives, paving the way for new companies and creating American jobs.

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