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Having friends on the job can make those long boring days less stressful. Research shows that when you develop close friendships at work it boosts employee satisfaction by almost 50%. And while we don’t always choose our friends with career success in mind (company happy hour, ahem), there are some people in the workplace whose friendship can actually make us perform better on the job.

Here are 5 friends you should have on the job:

1. The IT Manager

When your computer freezes, your emails disappear, or you can’t for the life of you remember your password, there’s only one person to turn to: the IT manager.

They may or may not be someone you’d actually hang out with outside of work, but make sure they’re your buddy on the job. Between making sure your computer won’t crash just before a big deadline and having the power to see everything you’ve ever done on the Internet, this is someone whose good side you definitely want to stay on.

And this means more than just smiling when you ask them for help. Be friendly even when you’re not having a Windows crisis! Strike up conversations in the kitchen, find out where they’re from, ask them what they’re doing over the weekend. Be their friend and when the company orders a new MacBook Pro — and they get to choose who gets it — you’ll be at the top of the list.


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