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Donald Trump spewed lethal rhetoric at Monday night’s debate, echoing disparaging statements about the Black community and President Barack Obama.

When asked about improving race relations in America, Trump lobbied for a return to “law and order.”

“African Americans and Hispanics are living in hell,” he said. “You walk down the street and you get shot.” 

His statement was eerily reminiscent of comments he made last month on the campaign trail. Trump also advocated for “stop and frisk,” and when called to the carpet about its ineffectiveness, doubled down.

In an interview with TPM, Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-NY) said Trump’s failure to engage with the Black community and his racist tone keeps him at odds with minorities. He also called Trump’s fondness with stop and frisk “un-American.”

That all African-Americans are violent, are felons, are criminals, similar to what he said about Mexicans. That there is nothing good happening in community, and that is clearly not right,” Meeks said.

Trump showed true disdain for President Obama in a question and answer segment on national security. “I agree with her on one thing: The single greatest problem the world has is nuclear armament, nuclear weapons ― not global warming like you think and your president thinks,” he said, taking a jab towards Obama and opponent Hillary Clinton.

As a founder of the birther movement, Trump repeatedly refused to acknowledge the President’s nationality and instead demanded that Obama produce a copy of his birth certificate. Only recently has he affirmed belief that President Obama was born in America.

Trump was combative from the beginning, continuously interrupting opponent Clinton and moderator Lester Holt.

Celebrities and commentators showed displeasure for his bigotry via Twitter, pointing out Trump’s erratic behavior:

SOURCE: Huffington Post, TPM | PHOTO CREDIT: Getty, Twitter


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Donald Trump’s Incredible Display Of Bigotry At The First Presidential Debate  was originally published on