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Charlotte Protests

Source: Tonya Jameson / Tonya Jameson

Charlotte, North Carolina – “THE QUEEN CITY” — has turned into a Raging City!!!  2 nights ago a Charlotte Police Officer shot and killed a Black Man whom Police say pulled a gun before he was fatally shot, but other sources say that man was unarmed and holding his hands up.  Since then Charlotte has turned into a raging inferno.

On the second night of protest another person was shot.  Originally reported as fatal, but sources say that unidentifed individual is alive and on life support.  This time the shooting was not by Police but by another civilian; and some journalist believe that this Protest has gotten way out of hand.  North Carolina Governor has declared Charlotte a State of Emergency.

Charlotte Protests

Source: Tonya Jameson / Tonya Jameson

In this State of Emergency, Gov. Pat McCrory said he would deploy the state National Guard and highway patrol to Charlotte on Thursday.  The Governor said:  “We cannot tolerate violence. We cannot tolerate the destruction of property and will not tolerate the attacks against our police officers that is occurring right now.”
The Police Officer that shot the African American Man was also Black!!  He’s on paid Administrative Leave.
Charlotte Protests

Source: Tonya Jameson / Tonya Jameson