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Five Police Officers Killed During Anti-Police Brutality March In Dallas

All hell broke loose overnight when snipers reportedly targeted and killed five police officers, and with one tweet, the Dallas Police Department put a target on an innocent Black man as a suspect in the shooting.

Mark Hughes, who was attending the peaceful protests, was profiled as a potential suspect by the Dallas Police Department’s Twitter account.

When you tweet before you think:

Social media went on a digital manhunt for the man who was profiled by his camouflage shirt and rifle — and only Black Twitter came to his defense.

After a slew of death threats were hurled at the bystander, Mark’s brother, Cory Hughes, immediately announced his brother was not the suspect. The rest of Black Twitter rallied behind him and spread the news.

Mark eventually turned in his gun (even though he didn’t legally have to), in order to de-escalate the situation.

The social media assassination of Mark is just another glaring example that second amendment rights only apply to White people.

We’ve been reminded of that through blood-stained hashtags after the killings of #AltonSterling and #PhilandoCastille, who were both killed while exercising their right to bare arms — Alton, in particular, was in the open-carry state of Louisiana.

But we didn’t need more shootings to show us that the second amendment does not apply to people of color.

A social experiment published last year showed the stark differences to how police react to a White man legally carrying an AR-15 as opposed to a Black man. The White man is simply questioned, while the Black man is damn near killed:

These situations are constant and harsh reminders that the pursuit of life, liberty, and justice** for all comes with an asterisks.

**May not apply to Black people.



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How Black Twitter Helped Exonerate The Dallas Suspect Who Was Just A Normal Black Guy Exercising The Second Amendment  was originally published on