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Speed camera sign with graffiti

Source: Peter Dazeley / Getty

WASHINGTON — New speed enforcement cameras in the District go online Monday.

The Metropolitan Police Department has installed five new speed cameras across the city, in areas where speed has been a problem.

During  a 30-day educational period, violators will receive warning citations. After a month, speeders will get moving citations.

Here’s where the new speed cameras are located:

  • 700 block of Maryland Ave NW, southbound  25 mph
  • 2600 block of Wisconsin Ave NW, northbound  25 mph
  • 4400 block of Reservoir Rd NW, eastbound  25 mph
  • 2400 block of 18th St NE, southbound  25 mph
  • 3000 block of Pennsylvania Ave SE, northwestbound  30 mph
