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“Individuals can change things…If everyone will just do their little part, Then we can make a tremendous difference in the lives of other people. ” Sarah Purcell

Thank You Father for being a Source, that’s true and uncorrupted. For I know how fortunate I am, to be able to have someone like You. Someone that I can constantly count on in my life. For You’re my Dwelling Place. You’re the Shield in which I will courageously stand behind, holding fast, while being unwavering, when it comes to who I truly am, in Christ. Help me Almighty, to be obedient and strong enough, when it comes to being a gentle light. When it comes to being a light that’s burns brightly, especially when it comes to being able to shine, from within a world that has become so dark and filled with spite.

My Strong Tower, please give me the strength and courage, to be truly loving to others. Know that I’m placing my heart, and my complete trust in You. For I’m so fortunate to have found myself at a place in my life, to where I’m now willing, to let peace rule throughout my heart and mind.

Also know that I no longer, want chaos, running rampant from within me, terrorizing my inner-being.

My Merciful Judge, I beg of You, please be patient with me. Especially as I press myself, when it comes to being used more; used by Your Holy Spirit. For I now know that this is the only way, I will be able to be, not only gentle, but also powerfully effective, when it comes to my calling. I’m so grateful that I’m learning to have more patience, and a better understanding. Particularly when it comes to the struggle of others. Know that I’ve dedicated myself (more and more,) when it comes to the spreading of the Gospel. Thank You O Loving Father, for what You’re about to do in my life, especially when it comes to being a strong gentle light. A light that burns constantly bright from within this lost dark world. In Jesus Mighty Name – I pray – Amen.

I sincerely Hope that this inspirational prayer, was in some way, an encouraging blessing to you.