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larry kingBishop T.D. Jakes recently joined Larry King for a spirited discussion on race, religion and politics on Larry King Now.

King asked Jakes what he saw to be instinct and why a religious person would advocate following it.

“The people who really shattered the glass ceiling were people who did it from their gut,” Jakes said. “That they did it instinctively, they broke the rules, took the risk and went ahead to be authentically them.”

Jakes further explained that people mistake instinct for emotions, society’s influence and other urges. He defines instinct as “how the manufacturer” (or how God) “made you.”

“Your ability to be artistic or prolific as a writer” might not line up with what you do to make a living, he said, but in some capacity, these “categories” are “what you are designed to do.” Jakes cautions people, “Don’t lose sight of who you are as an individual,” especially when work and family life require us “to wear different hats.”

“‘Busy’ does not mean that you are ‘producing,’” Jakes said, in regard to social media. He argued that the majority of modern technology—from electricity to trains—was “done by people who had moments to think. You’d be surprised what you can hear when you shut up.” He recommended people find quiet and “hit the reset button” to get in touch with their inner instinct and who they really are.

King and Jakes then discussed the prevalence of racism in America—from Paula Deen to Donald Sterling.

“I’m not shocked  by it at all,” Jakes said, “and I don’t think it will ever totally go away. Not only in this country, but in every country, it’s not always over black and white, but it’s always over something.”

“Bottom line is, it’s stupid,” King added. “There’s no baby born a racist.”

“Yes, but that’s part of humanity,” Jakes said. “It’s a learned behavior. It’s also a generational issue. We who are victims of that in any way have to move beyond it.”

King, a nonbeliever and open supporter of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), asked Jakes what he thought of the health care law.

“I do support the ACA,” Jakes said, but he admitted the “critics are right”—that there are “problems” right now, but that those will be corrected moving forward. Jakes feels the ACA is “a starting point” to help people get the care they need.

“What do you think about religion in politics?” King asked. “Obviously they’re supposed to be separate.”

“Whenever someone gets ready to run, they get religious,” Jakes said.
