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waiting to exhaleBad news guys. That ‘Waiting To Exhale’ sequel we have been looking forward to may never happen.

According to Sister 2 Sister reports:

If the A Day Late and a Dollar Short author had to gamble with that money, Terry McMillan would bet there will be no Waiting to Exhale sequel coming to the big screen.

I don’t think that’s going to happen. I really don’t,” Terry told Sister 2 Sister. “It’s been horrible since Whitney [Houston] passed away for a whole lot of reasons. Fox wanted to basically eliminate that character altogether from the story. How they thought that was going to work, I don’t know.”

Talk of a sequel to the 1995 film began before Whitney’s untimely passing in 2012. However, without the megastar around to reprise her role as Savannah, Terry said it’s unlikely the movie would have been as big a hit as the studio wanted. However, Terry’s not so sure.

“As much as I loved Whitney and I loved her in that role…any time they can have seven different 007s, as iconic as Whitney was and still was, it was a role. It wasn’t Whitney Houston; it was Savannah; you know what I mean. I still think that Viola Davis would have done and could do a great job playing Savannah,” said Terry who said scripts for a sequel have been attempted, but it just didn’t come together well.

“They got somebody else to write the script. There have been two or three drafts, but it just wasn’t working,” said Terry who would have liked to bring Getting to Happy, the title of the book sequel, to the big screen.

It was a story that I thought was more compelling than trying to compete with the predecessor. That’s Hollywood,” she said. “I think it’s kinda dead in the water.”

Do you think Terry is just talking to get things moving?
