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smokie norfulGospel artist and pastor Smokie Norful is heading down to Orlando  for The Allstate Tom Joyner Family Reunion August 28 – September 1 for the third time. He’ll be part of the Motown Gospel Revue hosted by James Fortune. He’s happy to find out that he’s moved ahead of Kirk Franklin, who’s been to the Reunion twice. “I’m trying to beat my big brother at something,” he laughs.

Norful, who is also a pastor, heard about the Solange/Jay-Z fight like everyone else did. He says that if he had to minister to the family, his message would be simple.

“God is love,” he told the Tom Joyner Morning Show.

“It’s the same sermon that should be preached for every situation. Love thy neighbor as thyself. Forgiveness and most importantly, communication. Lord Jesus, talk to each other, because it’s family and that was really heartbreaking to see.

Who hasn’t had family moments like that? Let’s preach on betrayal because somebody sold that to TMZ to even put that out in the first place. That in itself was just really egregious. Because it’s a family quarrel. Let them find other ways to communicate, too.”

Norful says it’s a challenge for even saved people to try and control their anger. He says the best thing to do is to avoid those kind of situations in the first place.

“You can’t wait until you want to hit them to get ready,” he says. “That’s why you got to go to church now, so that when you get in that situation you got enough God to hold onto you. You don’t wait until you get hungry to eat. You eat on time.”
