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The great man of God, Bishop T.D. Jakes speaks about his new movie, “Black Nativity”, media criticism, being an extraordinary person, gives advice on friendships, faith based media and having faith in God.

Extraordinary means you can’t be totally ordinary. If you want to be ordinary, don’t expect people to follow you. People don’t follow ordinary, they follow extraordinary. Being extraordinary also means being lonely because your isolated from ordinary. People who are extraordinary crave ordinary situations, and people who are ordinary crave extraordinary situations…” – Bishop T.D. Jakes

“Until you have had a dream that somebody laughed at, it’s not worthy of God. If you can do it, why dream about it? You dream about things that are ridiculous to other people. You have to be a little [crazy], to be able to do that. [But, that is the essence of greatness.]…” – Bishop T.D. Jakes
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