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A powerful new video published on YouTube on September 1, 2013, is gaining lots of attention. It shows Tyler Perry laying hands on Bishop T.D. Jakes and pledging to give $1 million for a youth center.

“I’ve just been touched to give $1 million,” Tyler Perry said in the video (watch it here if you can’t see it attached above), and the filmmaker described how he didn’t even know Jakes was building a youth center.

“God I don’t know what you’re doing but I heard your voice,” Perry said.

“When you hear the voice of God, you move,” he advised.

Perry began by recalling how three or four days prior to the $1 million pledge he was at Manpower — an event from The Potter’s House — being blessed. Pastor Paula White said to write a check for $113, representing Psalm 113. Perry wrote his check for $113,000, describing how much he loves giving.

“When you have favor with…” Perry pointed to the ceiling, referencing the Lord.

“They don’t understand it in Hollywood, but I’m going to tell you something about the blood of Jesus,” he continued to the rousing crowd.  “My mother didn’t have much to give me. But she had Jesus.”

Perry demonstrated his true preaching gift as he tried to hand the microphone back, but was urged to continue speaking.

“Don’t worry about your enemy. Don’t worry about your hater. He will bless you. He will lift you,” Perry proclaimed about God. “Sometimes you spend too much time worrying about your haters.”

In an amazing turn of events, Perry began prophesying good things over Bishop Jakes’ life, and laid his large hand on Jakes’ forehead as he leaned back seemingly under the power of the Holy Spirit.

“I pray his anointing will stay all over you,” Perry stated.

Indeed, this Christian TV Examiner found herself praying in tongues right along with the Temptation: Confessions of a Marriage Counselor moviemaker, as I tend to do when unknown languages burst forth when it seems I’m in the presence of authentic praying, as was recounted on the day of Pentecost or during other passages in the Book of Acts, where some observers assumed the disciples were drunk at 9 o’clock in the morning.

“This caught me a little off guard, Bishop,” Perry said at the beginning of the video.

As we know, nothing catches God off guard, and this new viral video seems to be another one of those perfectly ordered steps displaying how blessed it is to give — and receive.

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