So Beautiful

To many Ramsey Orta is an unsung hero for his courageous act of filming Eric Garner’s death as he was killed by police. Without his video, there is a high likelihood that there would have never been any concrete proof of what happened to Garner. Unfortunately, this made him a public enemy of police who […]

Since filming Eric Garner's death in July 2014, Ramsey Orta's life has changed in ways he couldn't imagine – mostly for the worse.

Plus, man who taped Eric Garner's death gets four years in jail and more women accuse Fox News' Roger Ailes of sexual harassment.

The man who recorded the police chokehold killing of Eric Garner will plead guilty to drug and weapon charges. He believes law enforcement has targeted him.


Ramsey Orta (pictured without a hat), the man who filmed Eric Garner’s death, will have to wait until March 12th to see how his current…