President Obama commuted the prison sentences of 79 inmates on Tuesday, upholding his pledge to release non-violent and low-level, drug offenders, The Hill reports.

The president is also expected to focus on some of his signature issues, such as criminal justice reform, after he leaves the White House

Capping off a week of events and political actions to tackle prison reform, President Obama on Thursday became the first sitting president to visit a…

In a week chock-full of events and political moves that highlight the need for criminal justice reform in the nation, President Barack Obama traveled to Philadelphia…

A week after the White House announced the president would commute sentences for dozens of non-violent drug offenders this summer, Barack Obama made good on the…

In a visit where he is expected to push for criminal-justice reform, President Barack Obama will become the first sitting president to visit a federal…

When 22-year-old Kalief Browder took his life, New York City heaved. Browder spent three years on Rikers Island, the infamous jail where he suffered documented torture, including brutal attacks, constant confinement to a 6 foot by 8 foot cell and reported starvation. On June 7, the 22-year-old hung himself with an air conditioning cord in his mother’s house, gifting critics […]