I will always encourage you to follow your dreams. However, when you wake you must have direction. If your dreams have no direction you are just sleeping! Even when your directions lead you to roads untraveled; plot and map your next move to greatness. Courtesy of Niecy Davis

You can’t be the one to always fix others problems. Most of the time when people try to fix others they are the one that is broken. Sometimes just listening is all someone needs. Everyone must go through their own storms. Courtesy of Niecy Davis

If you have your health and your strength you are truly blessed. Stop complaining and be grateful for who you are and whose you are. Courtesy of Niecy Davis

It is up to you to make the most of each and every day. If you choose to let this day leave because you are thinking about yesterday, this day is wasted. If you choose to spend this day worrying about tomorrow, this day is wasted. This is your day–live it today. Courtesy of Niecy […]

Everyone goes through trials and storms. We have to learn to pray, not for the storm to be over, but for strength to WEATHER the storm. Sometimes you have to just shout “Lord stand by me!” Courtesy of Niecy Davis

Don’t be afraid to set out on new paths. The path you always travel is the easiest because that is the one you know. But that does not mean it is the best for you. Do something different and take a chance. Where is your faith? Courtesy of Niecy Davis

Some things you can’t change and most people you can’t change stop stressing!!!! The only person you can control is you! Courtesy of Niecy Davis

Stop begging people to be your friends. Stop trying to buy friendship and companionship. People treat you the way you let them. If you don’t demand to be treated well, you won’t be! Friendship and companionship can’t be bought or sold–it must be earned! Courtesy of Niecy Davis

Sometimes when people lash out and seemly push us away they are not pushing but actually reaching. When people lash out or seem mean and contrary they just don’t know what else to do to get our attention. Instead of meeting their frustration with your anger, try a little tenderness. If a little tenderness does […]

It is true that the children are our future, BUT we must lead by example. We can’t tell our children to do and say the right things then we turn and do the opposite. We have to show them. We must take responsibility for ourselves and our children. Courtesy of Niecy Davis