No matter the situation or the perceived outcome, tell the truth. The truth is the easy way out because it is what it is. Even if you think telling the truth will cause greater harm say it anyway because you never know who is holding the truth. Courtesy of Niecy Davis

If you stay ready for your blessings you don’t have to get ready. Whatever your heart desires you can have but you must be ready to receive. If you don’t get it, it is not anybody’s fault but your own. Courtesy of Niecy Davis

Everybody you know, everybody you meet is going thought something. Good or bad, that’s life! God has already worked it out. Courtesy of Niecy Davis

Many of us go to work expecting our co-workers to be our friends. Respect a work relationship for what it is–A work relationship. There are wonderful friendships that can and do develop from work environments. Don’t expect every co-worker to be your very best friend. Give everybody their professional space and respect it! You will […]

If you pray with a pure heart, stop worrying. You can’t do both. Believe God for what you are praying for. Pray faithfully and often. God is able–keep your faith! Courtesy of Niecy Davis

Don’t let your mind tell you what you think you know. Before you accuse or take action on what you think–make sure you know. Thinking long has made many think wrong! I know what I think but when what I am thinking becomes what I know then I take action. Courtesy of Niecy Davis

Focus on what is possible. Anything you can dream or think you can do. You cannot let your own fears stop you. You can’t let negative people stop you. Courtesy of Niecy Davis

Stop wasting time. Stop putting everything off for tomorrow. Finish what you start. When you accomplish a goal your life will be more fulfilled. Courtesy of Niecy Davis

Some people stress over the smallest things-some things you can’t change. Don’t waste time on a wish–I wish this, I wish that. Just deal with it. Home Life Job Children It is what it is Don’t sweat the small stuff. What is small stuff? Does your life depend on it? If the answer is no […]

Don’t wait until tragedy to express yourself. Tell your friends and loved ones how you feel. Say I love you. Say I appreciate you. Say you are special to me. Say you have meant so much to me. You just might make the other person’s day! Try it! Courtesy of Niecy Davis