Be thankful in all things and know that God is working it out for your good. Learn to praise even when you want to cry. Know that God is working it out for you! Courtesy of Niecy Davis

Life presents us everyday with a variety of choices. The focus should be fulfilling our destiny, but sometimes we get sidetracked. We get sidetracked by doing things we know that are not GOD-like. We know right from wrong, but yet we make choices that can lead us down the road to destruction. Who knows when […]

Stop letting the devil use you. You have to make up your mind to be filled with the devil or be divine. At this very moment shake the devil off! Don’t invite the devil to even ride along with you eventually he will want to drive and you might let him! Courtesy of Niecy Davis

When people speak to you, listen closely to what they say and how they say it! If you listen closely what they are saying to you will come through. It may not be what you want to hear but you probably need to hear it. Sometimes people will try to sneak comments in on you. […]

Sometimes when people lash out and seemly push us away they are not pushing but actually reaching. When people lash out or seem mean and contrary they just don’t know what else to do to get our attention. Instead of meeting their frustration with your anger try a little tenderness. If a little tenderness does […]

The best way to keep people out of your business is to keep your mouth closed. Monitor your mouth. If you don’t tell what is happening in your life, you don’t have to worry about being discussed. If there is a secret you want to keep–keep it. Stop discussing every aspect of your life and […]

Every situation can’t be the way you envision it. Sometimes you will have to deal with things you don’t like. Know your limitations and live within them. Just because you are not calling the shots, don’t try to sabotage what is going on. If you are not helping a situation you must be hurting it! […]

Most people including ourselves don’t like change. We get comfortable doing what we know. This is true at home, in relationships, at work and at church. We get so used to the same things that we sometimes don’t know when to let go and when to hold on. Just because you get comfortable and don’t […]

You can’t have your way all the time. Learn to compromise without holding grudges. Courtesy of Niecy Davis

Don’t let others block your blessings. Sometimes people seem so innocent like they are really trying to help you. They say things like watch out for so and so they’re messy. Don’t get close to so and so they lie. Their experience is not your experience, you deal with individuals on individual basis don’t let […]