Stand and speak and vote your conscience, vote for candidates up and down the ticket who you trust to defend our freedom and to be faithful to the constitution."


What do the numbers 88-0-91-0 actually mean? Unfortunately, that is not your bae’s iPhone passcode, the number your grandma wanted you to play for her down at the barbershop, nor the score of next year’s NBA Finals now that Kevin Durant and Steph Curry have teamed up. Those are the winning numbers Omarosa Manigault is currently serving up in her new […]

After Melania Trump's speech, Trump's campaign and his supporters did their due diligence to spread the word that Mrs. Trump's narrative was all her own. We bring you the list of deniers, one by one.

The conspiracy theories have already started to fly on social media as racial tensions rise over the deaths of two unarmed Black men, Philando Castile and Alton Sterling, followed by the deadly ambush of five Dallas, Texas police officers, who were allegedly shot by a lone Black man. The loss of life on both sides […]

Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, is fond of bragging about his great relationship with African-Americans, well, you know, “The Blacks.” Who could forget how he pointed out his “African-American over here” in June while speaking about a Black supporter in Phoenix, Arizona. And don’t forget his April 2011 comment “I have a great relationship with […]

He kicked off the 4th of July weekend by tweeting out a swipe at Hillary Clinton, adding another link to his "crooked Hillary" message, but of course, he didn't end there.

Several explosive questions remain ahead of the Democratic Party Convention. Will Clinton be able to unify the party as protesters prepare to demonstrate?