About MySpirit 1340

It is possible with our tips to move past the pain, we promise.

Taraji P. Henson releases her much-anticipated memoir. Click the link to learn more about the actress in a dynamic way!

Deciding on a meal for lunch might as well be like conducting rocket science. There’s nothing more daunting than scrolling through Seamless, and having to select what to eat.

A gunman fatally shot a New York anti-violence activist in Miami. The police say he was an unintended target.

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg called the National Anthem protests "dumb" and disrespectful in an interview with Katie Couric.

“Lynching in America: Confronting the Legacy of Racial Terror” unflinchingly explores America’s brutal history of lynching and provides a powerful history lesson, using individual stories that show, despite “emancipation,” thousands of African Americans were brutally murdered in this country in the name of the White supremacist status quo.

Dania Cedeno-Delrosario tried to push her 7-year-old daughter out of the way as they were both struck when crossing the street.