About Kevin Lankford

Names are an interesting topic. There are sometimes knock down drag out arguments when a new baby comes into the world over what his or her name should be. A given name  or first name is purposefully given, usually by a child’s parents at or near birth. Last week ‘s announcement of the most popular […]

Affirmation For Today: “I am establishing a wonderful life for myself and for my family” An affirmation is a great way to start training your mind toward a positive way of thinking.  Coupled with other positive thinking exercises, a positive affirmation will help you overcome any obstacle that is put in front of you.  The […]

World Champion Boxer Laila Ali and husband Curtis Conway welcomed their second child Sydney Conway early Monday morning.  She tweeted the good news about her new bundle of joy later Monday afternoon.

Are you happy? Hopefully you are because the Nation’s Capitol was named the nation’s happiest city, according to a new poll. The DC Metro areas not tops the list but is also the only East Coast city in the top 5. The cities that round out the top five are Austin, Texas, San Jose, Calif., Seattle and San […]

OK, so we talked about Meatless Monday and Tofu Tuesday, but if you have not totally jumped off the meat wagon, here is a simple brisket recipe that is good enough for Sunday Dinner. It should remind you of the meals your big Momma or grandma used to make, and brisket is still an affordable […]

Over 50 Valentines Gifts It seems  a lot harder to purchase gifts for people over 50 than it is for younger folks. Most of us just go out and purchase what we really want and have established tastes. A huge chocolate heart may not be on our diets. Instead of showing love and appreciation, it may just […]

Credit Card Payoff Strategies Your strategy for paying off credit card debt may be different than mine. However, now that the New Year is in full effect, it is a good time to come up with a plan and stick to it! Let us look at three popular strategies to pay off credit card debt. […]

WASHINGTON – A tanker truck has dumped part of its load of diesel fuel on Pennsylvania Avenue in front of the White House. However, a Secret Service spokesman said the fuel did not pose any danger, and crews are in the process of cleaning it up. Spokesman Max Milien said Monday the truck was leaving […]

A Philadelphia physician, Kermitt Gosnell, was charged Wednesday with murder and other offenses for allegedly causing the death of one of his female patients and killing viable babies in illegal, late term abortions, Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams said. The babies were born alive in the sixth, seventh and eighth months of pregnancy, but their […]

April 3, 1968: This is the last speech from Martin Luther King, the day before he was assasinated in Memphis, Tennessee.