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Stand Firm


“Stand firm against him, and be strong in your faith”

(I Peter 5:9, NLT)

TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria

Are you standing firm against the enemy today? In other words, when fear comes against you, do you dwell on those defeating thoughts or do you rise up and start confessing the promises of God over your life? If you choose to dwell on your fears and think about all the reasons why you can’t do what God is telling you to, then before long you’re going to develop a negative mindset that will hold you back. It’s much more difficult to overcome.

Don’t just sit on the sidelines of life when there is so much potential on the inside of you! Don’t allow the enemy to hold you back with fear any longer. Focus on that vision of victory. Be bold and step out in faith! Today is a new day! It’s your new beginning. Just because you feel fear, doesn’t mean you have to follow fear. Every person feels fear at some point. The greatest men and women of the Bible all felt fear. But when fear comes, don’t give in! Stay the course of faith and follow God’s Word. Break that negative power over your life and move forward into the freedom and joy He has in store for you!


“Father in heaven, thank You for giving me strength to stand strong against fear in my life. I choose to have an attitude of faith and expectancy by focusing on Your promises. Today I am rising up and pressing forward into the life of victory You have for me. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”