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Stereotypes become stereotypes because of the truth in them.  We think of a group of girls comparing flaws, calling themselves ugly while reassuring their friends of the beauty.  We’ve heard it.  We’ve lived it.  Are you welcoming and accepting of the woman you see in mirror, or do you analyze, criticize, and judge her?

Let us hear what the Bridegroom say about us.  Let us believe the encouraging words of others, and silence the voice in our heads that tells us we are anything but beautiful.  The voice is a lie.  God’s Word is truth, and he says we are beautiful.


Song of Solomon 4:7 NIV You are altogether beautiful, my darling; there is no flaw in you.

Prayer:  Lord, I admit I find it hard to see myself s beautiful sometimes.  I choose to look at myself today and smile no matter how difficult it is.  I ask that when I do, you will show me how you see me, and help me believe it in my heart.

Inspirational Lifestyles: Be Still and Know – You Are Beautiful (March 6th)  was originally published on