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That’s a pretty strong declaration:  one example in the life of Vibia Perpetus, a married noblewoman and Christian martyr who died at twenty-two years of age in Third Century Rome.  Perpetua was arrested for her profession of faith in Christ and threatened with a harrowing execution if she did not renounce he faith.  She had many compelling reasons to do just that – a nursing infant for one.

Early martyrdom wasn’t only about dying for the profession of faith.  It was about humiliation and torture carried out in a kind of sporting arena with fans celebrating the demise of the victims.  Yet, Perpetua displayed incredible fortitude in her final hour. Read her account and you’d have to agree that her courage could not possibly have been attributed to a human characteristic.  Her courage came from God.


Philippians 1:20 NIV  I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death.


Lord, having courage, being brave, remaining firm; I can only hold on for so long.  I call on your supernatural strength to help me walk through my trying circumstance.  I know you hear me and you will help me.

Inspirational Lifestyles: Be Still and Know – Supernatural Courage (May 2)  was originally published on