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Paris Dennard loves some Donald Trump. We can’t imagine there is anything 45 can do that would waver Dennard’s undying love. This was especially obvious with Paris’ latest appearance on CNN, when he got slammed by another Republican.

Shermichael Singleton is a Republican worked for the Trump administration for less than a month. He was the senior adviser for the the Department of Housing and Urban Development, working with Ben Carson. But when Trump’s team found out he wrote this for The Hill in 2016, “My party in particular has allowed itself to be taken over by someone who claims to be a Republican but doesn’t represent any of our values, principles or traditions,” Singleton was quickly fired. Yep, he was fired for criticizing Trump.


Now, Shermichael is a political commentator and this week he got into a battle with Paris Dennard. While discussing Omarosa “resigning,” —  “fired,” according to April Ryan — Singleton wanted to know where are the Black people who work who are White House staffers. “Where in the hell are the Black people? Seriously, where are they? Outside of the ground’s keeper, the butler, the maids — where are they Black people? There are none.” Paris Dennard attempted to clap back with, “Maybe you’re bitter because you were fired.” Shermichal quickly said, “I may have been fired but at least I have respect for my community. I’d rather have respect than be a sell out!” Don Lemon was shocked and Paris Dennard attempted to compose himself as he tried to explain the alleged diversity in the Trump administration. Watch the exchange below:

While Don Lemon reprimanded Singleton for calling Dennard a name, Paris should hesitant before throwing daggers at anyone. All is fair in love and clap back, bruh.


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CNN’s Paris Dennard Called A Sellout On National Television By Another Republican  was originally published on