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Many cities around this great country have terrible traffic both inside & outside their city limits.

But according to  a  traffic data company called INRIX, the worst “traffic hot spot” in the whole country is in this area – the DMV.

I have always believed that I-95 was the worst highway in the country and now it’s been confirmed; at least a portion of it.

The portion of I-95 Highway that is considered the worst traffic hot spot is the stretch between Newington and Fredericksburg.  Everyday, the average round trip commute here is 64 minutes. Multiply that times five days a week and that’s 320 minutes each week spent in our cars.

Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe  has said there are projects underway to ease the congestion, starting with an Express Lanes extension.  He said that 2.2 new miles southbound are “just about to open, but then we’ve got to finish up the rest of the whole corridor.”