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Still life of Liberty Bell

Source: Tetra Images / Getty

Today is July 4, 2017 around the world, and here in Washington, D.C. the ultimate Independence Day celebration takes place right here in the Nation’s Capitol.

As big as the celebration will be, something very important is missing; the replica of the Liberty Bell!!

35 Years ago the Bell was taken away for some repairs and cleaning, but it was never returned and still today, there has been no sign of the Replica of the Liberty Bell, and now city officials are asking “Where is The Liberty Bell?”

It weighs 2,000, so it couldn’t have been just carried away by some thief, and it’s too big; and now that it’s Independence Day, the question around town is “WHERE IS THE D.C. LIBERTY BELL?”

If you have any photo’s or know anything about it whereabouts, City Officials want to talk to you.