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Source: Burcu Atalay Tankut / Getty

Mooresville, North Carolina is a small community about 30 miles from the State’s Biggest City Charlotte, but it’s gaining attention bigger than ever expected.

An Italian restaurant in Mooresville called “Caruso’s” is described as an upscale restaurant.

The owner of “Caruso’s” is Pasquale Caruso and Mr. Caruso said that babies crying, screaming and misbehaving is bringing too many complaints from fellow customers!  So he’s instituted a new policy — NO MORE KIDS UNDER 5 ALLOWED IN CARUSO’S!!

The owner said that he was losing customers and lots of money when customers started complaining about screaming babies and children just acting up while they were trying to eat.

So now for some, it’s gaining praise; and for other’s it’s purely unfair.  One customer said that he and his family will drive as far as it takes to eat there if this new rule is enforced!!!!

Parents with kids don’t like it – customers with no small kids love it.