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President Obama Gives Tribute To VP Biden In The State Dining Room

Source: Pool / Getty

With 8 days remaining in what we call an historic Presidency, President Barack Obama – with “distinction” gave Vice President Joe Biden the Highest Civilian Honor ever given by a U.S. President — the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Mr. Obama called Joe Biden “The Finest Vice President we have ever seen.”

After the announcement, Joe Biden just turned away from the camera with tears in his eyes, then stood as The President draped the Blue-and-white ribbon around his neck.

Joe Biden:  “I had no idea,” then said “I don’t deserve this” and than the President.

Biden also said:  “I just hope that the asterisk in history that is attached to my name when they talk about this presidency is that I can say I was part of the journey of a remarkable man who did remarkable things for this country.”

Joe Biden receives the “Presidential Medal of Freedom.”