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The energy fluctuations you feel throughout the month aren’t just in your head. As women, we have a unique set of hormones that drives our reproductive system and it can totally mess with our energy levels throughout the month.

These natural changes can easily screw up your exercise routine, causing set backs and weight gain.

Luckily, New Zealand-based exercise physiologist Dr. Stacy Sims gave advice to the Daily Mail about how you can work out to the tune of your own body.

The first day of your period represents the first day of your cycle, which is when your estrogen and progesterone levels are the lowest. This is the time to amp it up in the gym and kick ass. You may be feeling down in the dumps, but exercise is the perfect remedy to menstrual woes. Your body can be pushed harder without burning out during this part of your cycle.

After your period, your estrogen and progesterone levels rise. You can still push yourself at this stage — your body will be strong and ready for strength-training and lifting weights.

When you start to ovulate, give yourself a break. Your estrogen levels will be decreasing and you may need more sleep. Eat well and try to take things a little slower.

In the last stage, right before your period, you may hit a slump. Keep fit by going to a yoga class or trying another relaxing form of exercise.

Of course, every cycle is different. But working with your body will help you with you workout routine and keep your goals naturally.

SOURCE: Daily Mail | PHOTO CREDIT: Getty


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Women Should Do Different Exercises Throughout The Month, And Here’s Why  was originally published on