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Forget “is the dress white and gold or blue and black?”! Is this woman black or white?!

We’ve all heard stories of bi-racial men and women passing for “full white” back in the day. But a white woman passing for black? In 2015?! How does that happen?

Meet Rachel Dolezal, an African Studies professor at Eastern Washington University, Spokane’s NAACP Chapter President and chair of Spokane’s Office of Police Ombudsman Commission. Dolezal’s world (and social media) was completely rocked today after her shocking secret was exposed by local Washington media outlets. As it turns out, this light skinned woman with kinky hair isn’t the black woman she’s been pretending to be for a decade –she is in fact a white woman.

Things hit the fan this week for the 37-year-old Civil Rights activist after she was blindsided by KXLY4’s reporter Jeff Humphrey. The reporter met with Dolezal to discuss the numerous hate crimes she claims to have been a victim of over the years, and somehow tricked her into addressing whether the black man she once posted on her Facebook was really her “dad” like she claimed he was.

Other media outlets did some digging and found out the man wasn’t her father, or even the step-father she told EWU’s student-run newspaper helped raised her. In actually, he was someone Dolezal worked with during her time in Idaho. CDA Press contacted her mother, Ruthanne, who confirmed Dolezal is white on both sides as her biological father Larry is also a white man.

Her parents, Ruthanne and Larry Dolezal, who are both white and live in the Troy/Libby area in Montana, told The Press their daughter is not African-American. They backed up the claim with a copy of their daughter’s birth certificate and photos. The images show a younger, pale, blonde-haired, blue-eyed Dolezal who looks much different than the woman with caramel-colored skin now leading the Spokane NAACP and helping review claims of police misconduct in that city.

Since she lied on her application to be chair of Spokane’s Office of Police Ombudsman Commission, the city of Spokane has now launched an investigation. On her application, Dolezal said she was more mixed than cake batter, checking off white, African-American, Native American and two or more races. In actuality, she’s Czech, Swedish and German with “faint traces” of Native American heritage too.

Dolezal’s mother, who says she’s speaking out now after being contacted by media, also tells The Spokane-Review that her daughter has been faking the funk since 2006-2007, when the family adopted four black children. What’s even more bizarre is Dolezal started claiming one of her adopted brothers as her son. In December, she reportedly posted on Facebook the black man she claimed was her father and her adopted brother together. She captioned the image “L-R: Me, my oldest son Izaiah, and my Dad.”

But wait! There’s more! And it’s just as mind-boggling!

Earlier this year, Dolezal told The Easterner she didn’t like talking about her family because it was “too painful,” recalling the times her parents used to allegedly abuse her. Dolezal told the paper her family lived in the middle of nowhere and hunted for food with bows and arrows, and that they even lived in Cape Town, South Africa for a few years where her “step-father accepted a religious job opportunity.” Dolezal went on to alleged that her mother and “step-father” used to beat her and her adopted siblings with a “baboon whip.”

They would punish us by skin complexion. [The whips] were pretty similar to what was used as whips during slavery.

More lies from the pits of hell, says Ruthanne, who says she never whipped her children.

She is fabricating a very false and malicious lie.

Dolezal’s mom also rebuked more of her daughter’s claims, saying that Rachel never used bows and arrow to hunt for food, nor did she ever live in South Africa. Ruthanne said the family did move to South Africa from 2002-2006 after Larry was stationed there as a Creation Ministries International employee, but Rachel wasn’t with them and that she never even visited!

And all those hate crimes the Howard University graduate said she was a victim of over the last few years? Well, those are now being given a serious side-eye because something in the milk isn’t clean!
