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The Lord tells us to call upon Him and He will answer. Prayer is our way to call upon Him. We should do this each day, even if it is only to thank Him.

Love the Lord with all your heart.

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”Philippians 4:6-7

Don’t be afraid to turn to the Lord our God, for he is merciful and kind. When praying, do it with a humble heart and your voice will soar to the heavens. Worship the lord with all your heart. Let His Grace fill your heart and soul.

Our Lord has given us a most profound gift. It is the gift of prayer. Prayer allows our souls to communicate our thanks and needs to our Lord above. Keep in mind prayer is not reserved for your pastor or priest. You do not have to even be devout in a particular faith. Prayer is there for any to use at any time. God is listening and is never too busy to listen to you.

Prayer may be difficult for some, but if you speak from your heart God will understand. Do not under-estimate the power of prayer, for when it comes from the heart it is the most powerful form of communication possible.

Psalms 51:10-13 “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me away from They presence, and do not take Thy Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of Thy salvation, and sustain me with a willing spirit. Then I will teach transgressors Thy ways, and sinners will be converted to Thee.”

When we speak to God the power of the Holy Spirit is with us. Trust in God while praying and do it with love in your heart. Remember Love never fails.

There is power in prayer. Say a prayer for the day with love in your heart and remember Love never fails.

Pray each day and find comfort and strength in your journey. Allow God to give you peace and tranquility. All Him to carry your burden. Remember you are not alone, He is always with you.

Have Faith

Life can bring hardships and sorrows. With God by your side you are never alone. Trust in Him, ask Jesus to help and you will see that the Lord is right there beside you. Trust in Him, have faith. It is always darkest before the dawn. God will never let you down. Even in your darkest hour he is there providing a light to shine the way. Don’t forget to worship and praise Him. Be thankful and let God know you are grateful for everything he has given to you. Remember, Jesus dies for us. God would not have given his only son if he did not love us. Trust in the Lord and be at peace.

Prayer for the Day

God promises to be with us, always. We see this most when we are troubled and in need. Those who believe can turn to God and ask for help. He wants us to do this, He expects us to ask for help. Many individuals have experienced relief during illness, financial distress and many other problems. Miracles can and do happen. Does this mean miracles will happen for everyone. No. Sometimes we have to go through these things to learn the lesson God has set before us. Prayer for the Day provides daily prayers to help when speaking with God. They are heart felt calls for help in a person’s time of need.

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