About MySpirit 1340

The institution will host an exhibit showcasing Black designers and models from 1950 to now in a global perspective.

Mama reflects on being at the highest point of her career, but the lowest point in her life while watching her mother succumb to breast cancer.

New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu wants to settle several long-standing civil rights claims against the city over several notorious episodes of police violence in the days after Hurricane Katrina 11 years ago.

Authorities arrest five teenage boys for spray painting racist graffiti on an historic Black schoolhouse. However, they declined to charge them with a hate crime or identify their race.

A federal lawsuit seeks to compel federal agencies to release surveillance data of Black Lives Matter protesters. The plaintiffs suspect that the FBI and DHS have violated the constitutional rights of demonstrators.

The Chicago-based iconic DJ worked for 70 years, helping launch the careers of The Temptations and Smokey Robinson and coined the phrase "dusties."

The media mogul and Oscar nominee tells TD Jakes that this nation can choose between a democracy or a demagogue.

The family's attorney stresses that had the school provided medical care after the altercation, her client wouldn't have needed an amputation.

James 1:2-3 (NLT) “My brothers and sisters, whenever trouble comes your way, let it be an opportunity for joy. For when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. Explanation: The operative word in this passage is “whenever”. It tells us that we will have troubles in our lives and that it […]