Donald "Chip" Pugh was caught by police in the small town of Century, near Pensacola, Florida.

The New York Daily News reports the 16-year-old was hit with a flashlight by Officer Sean McCamman during an arrest in June 2014.

Antonio Ammons, 18, was arrested by a resource officer at Bolivar Central High School along with another student for "indecent exposure" in November.

William Porter testified he wasn't aware he broke any police practices when he didn't seek medical attention for Gray.

A police officer is being praised for his kind gesture towards a man who was kicked off a New Jersey bus for not wearing any shoes.

A Maryland couple has accused police officers of tampering with evidence of their alleged unlawful arrest last year. Juley Harris (popularly known as local artist…

A drummer from Florida was fatally shot by a plainclothes officer on Sunday, leaving his family with many questions about his death.

Students from Tolman High School in Pawtucket, Rhode Island were pepper sprayed and arrested by police during a protest that were sparked after an officer body slammed a teenager to the ground earlier this week.

A Black teenager from the D.C. area inspired protests after a recording showed him being brutally detained by police officers for making a White customer at a local bank feel "uncomfortable."

The police chief of Surf City retired following an uproar over a Facebook post where he called Black Lives Matter "terrorist group"