Plus, Tulsa police officer Betty Shelby is released on $50,000 bond and POTUS stresses that discrimination in the justice system should be a concern for all.

In response to the violence, Jessica Anderson better known as Jessica Lá Rel wrote a song of encouragement titled "#WeCantBreath".


Rep. Jeffries dissected the history of Africans in America and the Black experience in the United States.

A review of police payroll records reveals that the cop who choked Eric Garners has received big raises. He's been on desk duty for two years, as a federal civil rights investigation moves forward.

Erica Garner's heat comes on the heels of De Blasio's refusal to release the disciplinary records of Officer Daniel Pantaleo, the cop who wrestled Erica's father Eric Garner to the ground with a chokehold, subsequently killing him in July 2014.

Since filming Eric Garner's death in July 2014, Ramsey Orta's life has changed in ways he couldn't imagine – mostly for the worse.

Over the course of the last week, NewsOne was forced to revisit our gallery that lists the shooting deaths of Black men killed during police encounters, to add the names of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, while also documenting the two-year anniversary of Eric Garner's death.

President Barack Obama is receiving a lot of heat following The President and the People town hall that broadcast across all of the Disney networks on Thursday night. Erica Garner, daughter of Eric Garner – the man killed by an illegal chokehold in 2014 – expressed her disappointment with the town hall on race via social media. In one […]

According to the site, Garner yelled, "I was railroaded! I was railroaded by ABC on the two-year anniversary of my father's death! That's what I have to do? A black person has to yell to be heard?" after she was refused backstage.

The man who recorded the police chokehold killing of Eric Garner will plead guilty to drug and weapon charges. He believes law enforcement has targeted him.