Prosecutors charged a Chicago-area personal trainer for transmitting the HIV virus to three women. The man allegedly knew for 15 years that he is HIV positive but did not warn the women.


The unidentified man sustained a fractured spine and head injuries.


The families of the two boys, now teenagers attending high school in Gilbert, Arizona, say they believe it was a miracle they ended up in the same town.


Smollett shared that although many people believe that contracting HIV/AIDS is a thing of the past, the issue is alive and well and it is affecting the lives of millions of people.

In reality, the Reagan administration wanted nothing to do with the disease, waiting six years after the epidemic hit to even address it in a speech.

During his final State of the Union address last month to a joint session of Congress in Washington, D.C., President Barack Obama said that the U.S. is on track to eliminate new HIV/AIDS transmissions by 2020.

The headline is as frightening as it sounds: “Half Of Atlanta’s Newly Diagnosed HIV Patients Have AIDS, Grady Testing Finds.” Yet, what may sound like…

Did you know that 1 in 32 black women will be infected with HIV in their lifetimes, if current trends continue? June 27, 2014, is…

The 30-year battle against AIDS is an unbelievable chapter in the history of medicine and 30 years later more than 60-million people around the world have been diagnosed with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. And of those, 25-million people have died as there is no cure. On June 5, 1981, a bombshell quietly exploded […]

Upon reflection of National AIDS Awareness Day – take time to pray for healing – – – Prayer for People With HIV / AIDS Hear our prayer, O God of mercy and love, for all who suffer with AIDS. Grant unto them tender and loving companions who will support them in the midst of fear. […]