
VIA: CDC.GOV 1. Did you know that birth defects are common? Fact: Birth defects affect 1 in 33 babies every year and cause 1 in…

VIA: FamilyDoctor.Org Some men and boys have fat on their chests that makes it look like they have breasts. This condition is called pseudogynecomastia (false…

VIA: MayoClinic.Com No. 1 — Heart disease Heart disease is a leading men’s health threat. Take charge of heart health by making healthier lifestyle choices.…

VIA: SisterToSister.Org What do overweight and obesity mean? Your healthy weight is based on your height, age, and other factors. Excess weight may come from…

VIA: NIDDK.NIH.GOV What causes gestational diabetes? Changing hormones and weight gain are part of a healthy pregnancy. But both changes make it hard for your…

VIA: FitPregnancy.Com Class Action If you have access to prenatal exercise classes, sign up. Not only are the workouts modified for pregnancy, but you also…

VIA: Diabetes.Org For every two-ounce serving of hot dogs, bacon, sausage, or deli meats, the risk of diabetes rose 19 percent and the risk of…

VIA: WebMD.Com In a startling 2009 study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, researchers found that African-Americans have a much higher incidence of…

VIA: WomensHealth.Gov Both men and women have heart attacks, but more women who have heart attacks die from them. Treatments can limit heart damage but…