So Beautiful

In their eighth meeting, Clinton and Sanders sounded off on deportations, health care and who will really get things done in The White House.

Paris Fashion Week was exhausting. Russell takes Ciara for some fun in the sun at a tropical destination. Officer Fired For Social Media Post Fairborn police say officer Lee Cyr was fired after posting a seemingly racially charged and all around inappropriate comment on Facebook. Black Lives Matter leader, MarShawn McCarrel II recently committed suicide by shooting himself on the steps of the Ohio Statehouse. On a news post about the death, Cyr commented, […]

So Beautiful

In honor of National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness on March 10, positive African-American women sound off.

Next week, First Lady Michelle Obama will host the multicultural cast of the hip-hopera.

With their booming catering service, two men from Compton have traded in violence and drugs for really good food.

Camille Cosby used spousal privilege to deflect answering questions about the details of Bill Cosby's various sexual assault allegations.

The Grammy-nominated artist accepted a plea deal to a third degree felony charge of assault.

As the top administrator for the school system in Madison, Wisconsin, Nancy Hanks has revamped their discipline practices after realizing suspensions and expulsions contribute to the school-to-prison pipeline.