So Beautiful

James Burns was also charged with aggravated assault and making a false statement in relation to the June 22 killing of 22-year-old Deravis Caine Rogers.

Speaking of reparations, what they got on that tuition though?

Plus, Rachel Dolezal is back headlining a natural hair rally and Ferguson's police department is having a hard time filling vacancies.

So Beautiful

Holly Robinson Peete continues to show just why she is one of the busiest moms in Hollywood. In addition to her OWN network reality show For Peete’s Sake, her endless charity work and being a devoted wife to ex-NFL player Rodney Peete and a mother to her four children, she has now managed to make […]

So Beautiful

Last year as the world watched Straight Outta Compton break box-office records and become a hit with both fans and critics alike, those who were actually apart of the story were left wondering why much of the story about the physical abuse that N.W.A. member Dr. Dre inflicted upon the women in his past relationships […]

So Beautiful

Another day, another black celebrity that has jumped on “all lives matter” train, this time it’s NFL player Cam Newton who has caused a social media uproar after an interview he did with ESPN was released. In the interview, Newton didn’t explicitly say that “all lives matter,” but he went a step further and proclaimed […]

Mahesh Sharma, India's minister for tourism and culture, created a travel list of cultural do's and don't's as part of the welcome kit provided to tourists upon arrival at the airport.

The founder of Wondaland Records is calling for an end to gun violence in the wake of her cousin's death.

The Toronto-born model is this magazine's September cover model.

A teacher testified that he heard the school's principal say, "If those white officers hurt my black babies, I'm going to have them fired."