
Ninety-one years (91), January 15, 1929 since birth and Fifty-four (54) years since Dr. Martin Luther King’s departed this life and his soul stirring words and writings remain as relevant and inspiring today as they were when he lived. Honor Dr. King’s lasting legacy by sharing 30 of his most inspiring quotes.  All of them […]

Sherrod gives tips to both buyers and sellers on how to adjust during this real estate season. Also, learn more about her new show and the need for diversity and inclusion on HGTV.

Gospel artist Jeremiah Hicks debuts his new single "God Will Provide"

Today's motivational minute in "Wake Up & Win" sees Dr. Willie Jolley explaining the benefits of setting a date on goals that will lead you towards the life you dream of.

Day #13 Yes, it is true—God will remain faithful even when you’re not, because His faithfulness rests on who He is, not on what you’re doing. Second Timothy 2:13: “If we are faithless, he remains faithful—for he cannot deny himself.” This verse pictures a radically different way of living, one not natural to most of […]

Now the owners of a successful cleaning business, podcast, and more, The Hartzog's talk to Erica and "GRIFF" about the art of side hustles and what you can do to obtain passive income.

Our good friend Dr. Willie Jolley came through with some helpful advice for the New Year on how to be effective when setting goals in his latest "Wake Up & Win" report.

Television personality, author, and global economist, Dr. Jewel Tankard talks about digital currency and how the future is now.

Let's take a moment to redirect our focus back on God. Let's remind ourselves to once again place our hope and our faith in Him.