Black History Month

The Universoul Circus is known as the coolest show on earth! Millions of people from all over the world have enjoyed thousands of shows over the years and the fun continues.

Black History Month

Charlotte E. Ray Was The First Black Woman Lawyer In The United States

From Dianne Durham to Simone Biles, here's a brief history of Black women in Gymnastics

Black History Month

On this Valentine's Day, take a look back in time at Martin Luther King and Coretta Scott King's incredible love story through a love letter he wrote her in the summer of 1952, a year before they were married.

Black History Month

Mark Clark’s sister remembers her brother and Fred Hampton were killed.

Black History Month

"Lift Every Every Voice And Sing," a poem written by James Weldon Johnson - often dubbed "The Black National Anthem" - was first performed on Feb. 12, 1900. Here's what you need to know about it.

Meet Dr. Daniel Hale Williams: Black Doctor Who Performed The First (Successful) Open-Heart Surgery

Black History Month

Learn how and why the first Black Barbie doll was created

Did you know the first woman ever accused of witchcraft in the United States was a black woman? Her name was Tituba, and her American story is rarely told in history books.

Dr. Shirley Jackson is the first African-American woman to earn a doctorate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), she’s also the president of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.