About Winston Chaney

As Hillary Clinton playfully batted away an avalanche of balloons Thursday night, she appeared proud, happy and reconciled to her historic moment. She had accepted the Democratic nomination with “humility, determination and boundless confidence in America’s promise,” taking her place as the first woman to lead a major presidential ticket on a night pulsating with […]

The Democratic A-list on Wednesday cast Donald Trump as a threat to the American dream — and Hillary Clinton as the nation’s only chance to save it. President Barack Obama called Trump a “homegrown demagogue.” Michael Bloomberg dismissed him as a “con.” And Vice President Joe Biden, in rejecting Trump, declared that “Americans have never, […]

A plan to permanently cut weekend Metro service is sparking sharp responses about the impact on people trying to get home from work, sporting events and other night life.   Among options Dorsey said he believes could emerge during those discussions are shifting hours so the system stays open later than midnight on Fridays and […]

Democrats on Tuesday made Hillary Clinton the first woman to head a major party ticket — and during an emotional night, her family and supporters asked voters to give her a second look. At the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, just three miles from Independence Hall where the nation was born, a sense of history […]

http://jsonp.moatads.com/ocr/TURNER_FREEWHEEL2/level3/g560946-1438264?t=201662690 Michelle Obama cast the presidential race as one between a positive role model for children — in Hillary Clinton — and a damaging one — in Donald Trump — in the marquee speech on the Democratic National Convention’s opening night. The first lady never mentioned Trump by name, but leveraging her popularity, she made […]

WASHINGTON — Here is the list of speakers from Day 1 of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. The big names included former Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders and first lady Michelle Obama. A full schedule of Monday’s events can be seen here. The description of the day’s theme is provided by the Democratic Party. Theme: […]

Donald Trump comes out of his convention ahead of Hillary Clinton in the race for the White House, topping her 44% to 39% in a four-way matchup including Gary Johnson (9%) and Jill Stein (3%) and by three points in a two-way head-to-head, 48% to 45%. That latter finding represents a 6-point convention bounce for […]

COLLEGE PARK, Md. — The University of Maryland’s Police Department has concluded its investigation into the use of pepper spray by officers at a graduation party on May 21. The findings have resulted in apologies to the students involved and the suspension of a police officer. “We don’t often get it wrong; mostly we get it right, […]

A truck drove into a crowd at Bastille Day celebrations late Thursday in Nice, southern France, killing dozens of people. AFP reporting at least 84 people have died French President Francois Hollande: We cannot deny that it was a terror attack Truck driver shot into crowds before plowing into people for around 1.2 miles (2 […]

Earlier this month, Philando Castile and Alton Sterling died at the hands of police, and a sniper killed five police officers during a peaceful protest in Dallas. James, Anthony, Paul and Wade weren’t the first athletes to address the three events and demand change. The Minnesota Lynx’s captains, Seimone Augustus, Maya Moore, Rebekkah Brunson and […]