The Brow energy center ( Chakra) for intuition is associated with the color indigo. It is also often referred to as the “third eye” or the “mind center.” It is our avenue to wisdom – learning from our experiences and putting them in perspective. Our ability to separate reality from fantasy or delusions is in […]

Here are 6 tips that can help you overcome feeling sorry for yourself: 1.  Being wrapped up in self-pity completely spoils any chance of being able to see new possibilities as they appear; besides, no one likes sour milk! 2.  The only thing that grows from cultivating any dark seed of sorrow is more bitter […]

Fantasia Barrino is certainly a survivor and now she’s faced with discussing her current trials and tribulations as she returns to the music world to promote her new album, ‘Back To Me.’ The question remains: Is Fantasia returning to the limelight too soon? Just two weeks ago, the ‘American Idol’ winner attempted suicide and overdosed […]

Excerpts from The truth is that it takes some work to keep relationships healthy. Most people find that the work is well worth the effort when their relationship is still going strong decades after it began. Here are 4  simple strategies can help couples strengthen their romantic relationships, no matter what obstacles they face […]