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In this age of MySpace, Twitter, Facebook, IM’s and online hooking up, the face of dating has changed. We have created numerous ways to communicate and date but are we truly stepping up to bat or just ruining a great thing?

Unfortunately, people are stepping on the basic precepts of acting in an upstanding moral way. We are making huge mistakes and risking our emotional, physical and often spiritual well being. How many times have you gone to your profile and been deflated because no one even clicked on your page? Is it because you are selling something that is not true? Is someone constantly messaging you that you are not interested in?

We all hear from our friends about how they were able to meet the great loves of their lives. Sometimes we hear how they met the great disasters of their lives as well. There will always be the one person who could really “bug a boo”. It all depends on how you set your rules, goals and boundaries.

The mistakes can be “deadly,” so make sure to avoid the following:

1. Lust: The mind can go awry when there are hundreds of pretty peoples’ pictures at which to peek. Sending lewd or lascivious email, text or instant messages is taboo. Even more so are you posting pictures that can cause the mind to wander into a dangerous area. What happens when he or she looks great but turns out to be a a criminal?

2. Gluttony: Being a “playa” will not work well the older you become. Without serious intentions, don’t lead multiple people on at once. It’s rude and immature and dangerous should they all run into one another. The world wide web has made it a smaller world.

3. Greed: A potential mate should be measured not by their cars, cash or collateral but by character, morals, and suitability.In addition, remember all you see surely may not be gold.

4. Sloth: The “poor me” attitude does not cut it, nor will it serve you well in cyberspace. Don’t tell all the negatives in your essays. That could be why after you had that one phone call you never heard from them again.

5. Wrath: Be warned that anger has a way of making people do the unthinkable, like sending nasty notes or leaving hurtful messages on pages. It’s your duty to maintain your composure.Filling an email box with spam will not get you winners.

6. Envy: Your friends may get more hits and dates than you. Focus on what works for you. All good things come in time.

7. Pride: Whatever rules you observe, don’t let self-respect disappear. Be positive and never ever accept anything that will not be for the better.

Read more here.