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(from AOL BlackVoices)

Former White House Social Secretary Desiree Rogers gave a rare interview to Fox-TV in Chicago recently.

Asked what lessons she’s learned, Rogers said:

“It really is not about me. I think that’s the important lesson. Things aren’t really always about you,” Rogers said.

Some might say she didn’t learn that lesson quickly enough. Rogers was criticized for being too much in the spotlight. One of the most high-profile social secretary’s ever, Rogers was in Vogue Magazine and in the front row at Fashion Week.

Rogers resigned after infamous couple Michaele and Tareq Salahi made their way in to Obama’s first state dinner.

“As much has been talked about me wanting to be in the public eye, I’d rather be in the background. I really do want to be in the background,” she said.

But Rogers, looking as sharp and sounding as smart as ever, said she was proud of her service. She said she helped put on a record 370 events in the first year of the Obama White House and helped to make it a “people’s house.”

“How could we really make certain this was going to be different and reflective of the values and principles of the Obama administration…inclusion, different people being in the White House,” Rogers said.Rogers said she’s still working out what her role will be with Johnson Publishing but is, at the age of 50, starting to think about her legacy.

Click here to continue to know more about Desiree Rogers.

Rare interview with Desiree Rogers and Robin Robinson on Fox Chicago News