Winston Chaney

NATIONAL WALKING DAY The first Wednesday in April is National Walking Day and it encourages Americans of all ages to get out and stretch their legs and get their hearts pumping. The American Heart Association sponsors this day to remind people about the health benefits of taking a walk. Wear your sneakers (or take them […]

NATIONAL EQUAL PAY DAY Each year on a Tuesday in March or April, National Equal Pay Day brings awareness to pay discrepancies between women and men around the world for the same work. Tuesday represents how far into the work week a woman works to earn as much a man doing the same job. While […]

It’s Tuesday!!!  Every Tuesday we celebrate the Quartet Music; and we play all your favorite Quartet Groups and singers!! Groups like Lee Williams and the Spiritual QC’s, The Mighty Clouds of Joy, The Soul Messengerz, The Redeeming Souls and many many more. You can also call in your request by calling 202/432-1340. 6-10 am on […]

NATIONAL DOCTORS DAY On March 30th each year, National Doctors Day honors the professionals for their dedication and contributions to society and the community. Their dedication puts the patient first time and again. On National Doctors Day, we say “thank you” to our physicians for all that they do for us and our loved ones. […]

Well, it’s the second week of a US Caronovisus Shutdown, and now it’s “MONDAY”!!!  Every Monday when it’s time to get back to work; it’s time for The Throwbacks on the WYCB MORNING SHOW. Every Monday, we take you guys waaayyyyy back and play songs that you used to like 20, 25 and 30 years […]

Vickie Winans (born Viviane Bowman; October 18, 1953) is an American Gospel recording artist. Early life The seventh of twelve children, Winans was born in Detroit, Michigan to Mattie A. Bowman, a housewife, and Aaron Bowman, who worked at various times as a laborer, contractor, carpenter and mason. She began singing in church – the International Gospel Center – at the […]

INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL SCIENCE LIAISON DAY International Medical Science Liaison Day, on March 27th, recognizes the vital role Medical Science Liaisons (MSL) play in the success of a company. Since being first established by Upjohn Pharmaceuticals in 1967, MSLs have become increasingly more important to the success of the companies that employ them. According to the […]

It’s Friday!!! and the Weather Forecast for the DMV today is CLOUDY with the possibility of some rain; but that’s alright because we are gonna celebrate some Birthdays. If you celebrated a birthday this week, or maybe a co-worker, or just maybe a family member, or a co-Church Member or just maybe a family friend, […]

On Wednesday, March 25, I had the distinct opportunity to interview 3 distinguish gentlemen.  “Gabriel Christian,” “Jerry Burton” & “Edward Harbison.” All three of these gentlemen are former pilots of the U.S. Military and they are very active in the East Coast Chapter of the Tuskegee Airman, Inc. Gabriel Christian & Jerry Burtorn actually flew […]

EPILEPSY AWARENESS DAY -PURPLE DAY Epilepsy Awareness Day on March 26th aims to increase the public’s knowledge of a neurological condition affecting nearly 50 million people worldwide. Also known as Purple Day, people are encouraged to wear purple in support of epilepsy awareness. The neurological condition, epilepsy, impacts the central nervous system causing seizures and other […]