Healthy Living

Here are some smart ways for you to deal and get along better with your in-laws if you do not already have a blooming relationship with yours. And if you are one of those lucky few who get along fantastically with the in-laws, be sure to share your secrets with the rest of us here […]

Apologizing isn’t an easy thing to do. If you’ve never been taught how to apologize, it makes the task even harder. We all make mistakes and need forgiveness. Sometimes simply saying, “I’m sorry” doesn’t adequately communicate your regret for having done something that was hurtful. When you’ve done something you shouldn’t, here are the  5 […]

The  Braxton Family Values television show has actually shown a light on what women need and want on men. Now, before you get anxious or upset hear me out. Each one of these women have a situation that points out what the actual needs are in a  good relationships. They also point out what destructive […]

Parents and concerned people across the country are voicing their opinion on the recent campaign for Skechers Shape Up  for Girls. The campaign targets young girls only which has people speaking out because of what this message may translate to girls.  Although, some may feel this is a good thing and may support the First […]

We all know and have heard that Breakfast is the meal of champions.  Starting your day off with a delicious and tasty  meal can set the tone of your day.  That’s why Pinnacle Foods has introduced new items from their brand, Aunt Jemima frozen breakfast menu.  A group of editors, writers and bloggers gathered in […]

We all have moments in our life where truth is key. The hardest part for most people is the ability to say goodbye. We all like to hang onto things even when we know they are bad for us. I have seen dozens of people hang on to relationships that should end, all for the […]

The Brow energy center ( Chakra) for intuition is associated with the color indigo. It is also often referred to as the “third eye” or the “mind center.” It is our avenue to wisdom – learning from our experiences and putting them in perspective. Our ability to separate reality from fantasy or delusions is in […]

How much exposure to Osama Bin Laden’s death do we let our children see? The children who were just babies are now coming home and asking, “Who is Osama bin Laden?” “What was 9/11?” “Why did he need to die?” This raises several questions. How much should we protect our children from the nativities and […]

Names are an interesting topic. There are sometimes knock down drag out arguments when a new baby comes into the world over what his or her name should be. A given name  or first name is purposefully given, usually by a child’s parents at or near birth. Last week ‘s announcement of the most popular […]

Teaching your children values will help them make good choices in their lives. Today’s world is ever changing and very fast paced. In years past children grew up in a small community or with just their families and their challenges were much different. 1. What are your values? Teaching values to our children must start […]