Healthy Living

On the red carpet at the Soul Train Awards, the pregnant Erica Campbell (right) of Mary Mary revealed some details about her baby. We now know that Erica has a baby girl on the way, and we also know when her little one is due. Take a look at Erica share the good news in […]

Many Eczema sufferers are unaware that sometimes good skin care regimes are all that stands between endless suffering and an improved quality of life. Destinations for Outdoor Lovers The simplest of changes and techniques can make all the difference, so I have put together a few tips to hopefully help you out.  In the meantime, […]

Certain everyday situations have huge potential for causing stress. But by being organized and easing up on self-imposed time pressures, you can dodge these situations and skip the stress. Sometimes, stressful situations occur because we let them — once you allow stress get to you, tension and anxiety can mount very quickly. Here are some […]

Here are tips for parents to encourage reading for teenagers. Lately, I have had a host of parents complain to me about their  struggle with getting their  teens to read anything but Facebook. With the surge of electronic there is a new opportunity to make it relevant in their world.   As an adult, you know […]

You’ve heard of the “empty nest syndrome,” but do you know how or if it really exists? Coined, in the 1970’s by psychologists, it stereotypically applies to women as a personal struggle dealing with the loss and change as their children leave home. This psychological condition often has its greatest impact on women in autumn, […]

Children should be trained in basic etiquette. Each day I feel as if the responsibility to teach our children basic manners has gone right out the window. Just how basic is basic, though? As a teacher and a Godmother, I am stickler for manners. If you don’t use them, you get nothing. My parents taught […]

It’s the time of year that puts mothers of teenage girls over the edge: back to school shopping. Many an argument has taken place in department store dressing rooms. Moms wonder why daughters want to wear certain things. Daughters don’t understand what the fuss is about. In order to resolve these fashion dilemmas, every mother […]

Having a hard time staying focused at the desk?  Do you need a boost to get energize during your day?  Try out these four easy energy boosters. 1. Swap Energy Drinks for Water Caffeine fires up fight-or-flight hormones (like adrenaline), which can give you a temporary energy boost, but when those hormones wear off, your […]

More and more women in their late 30s and early 40s marry younger men. Out of 40,389 women aged between 35 and 44 who got married last year, 14,154 or 35 percent tied the knot with younger men. Increasing number of women no longer depend on a husband financially. More and more women are less […]

A pastor friend of mine once declared during a singles’ bible study that a man knows within three weeks of meeting a woman if he wants to marry her. Recently, a friend recalled this teaching and posted the quote to her Facebook page. Within minutes, the comment thread had garnered over 20+ comments, some rather […]