About MySpirit 1340

Authorities say they were forced to fire at Gaines after she pointed her gun at them, threatening to kill. Officers, whose names have not been released, fired one shot, missing Gaines. She then fired back twice in retaliation, and was fatally struck by three bullets.

As details of the shooting death of 23-year-old Randallstown, Maryland, resident Korryn Gaines unfold, numerous questions linger about the rights of an individual during altercations with police.

Fred Barley was hit with criticism when the woman who created his GoFundMe campaign, Casey Blaney, questioned how he was going to use the money.

Residents of the Michigan city could be facing a sanitary crisis.

In this edition of Joy Living, Erica Campbell talks about feeling so hurt, disappointed or betrayed to the point that you start thinking about taking matters into your own hands and plotting revenge! Don’t plot revenge- that’s not your job! Erica reminds us that we need to learn to forgive, and to not let our […]

In this edition of the Love Talk, GRIFF is moved in his spirit to say something to all the men listening out there who may feel like things aren’t going the way they want them to be. He explains that men, because of their nature of wanting to fix things, not show emotion and just […]