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(Washington, DC)  —  Pepco’s customers are already fed up with the poor-performing utility, and now it’s possible they’ll have to pay more because of that poor performance.  That doesn’t add up for gas station owner Armand Brick, who tells TBD News he already lost a lot of money last week when the power went out and stayed out for days.   Last week some customers spent up to five days without power, and the Post says Maryland regulators have made it possible for Pepco to temporarily raise rates to recover any money lost when electricity use drops.  That means when the lights go out and no one uses power, Pepco could charge higher rates to make up for the revenue not being generated.  Regulators intended it so utilities would could charge more when energy use goes down, and charge less when consumption is up.  But it has some wondering if it’s spurred Pepco to cut corners on service, knowing it’ll get its revenue anyway.

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02-04-2011 01:21:03